5 Thing You Need To Know About Car Title Loans
1. Car title loans are typically used by people who need quick cash. Title loans are short-term, with repayment times ranging from one month to one year. If you’re seeking a loan for anything other than car repair, then the debt may be unsecured and/or risky. Furthermore, if you can’t pay back your debt after the set period of time, whether it is due to not finding work or unemployment, then you risk having your car repossessed and sold at auction to satisfy your outstanding balance owed on the loan. So before getting a title loan for that new iPhone or laptop- consider all of these facts carefully before deciding what type of financial assistance will best suit your needs. You Will Need Your Car to Repay the Loan A major pitfall of taking out Car title loans is that if you lose your car, you will not only be left without transportation but also will have to repay the debt. With traditional loans, you don’t lose anything but your credit score if you default on paymen...